We deal with many suppliers of sewing machine parts for todays mechanical, electronic and computerized models. And with the many dealer friends I have made over the years across the country, we have access to exclusive parts and accessories as well. If by chance you have obtained the parts yourself but are apprehensive about installing them, don’t worry we will do the job for you. No attitude or upcharge!
New England Sewing carries many discontinued vintage and antique sewing machine parts as well. Unfortunately, I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to old parts but that has come in very handy. It’s nice to be able to help when someone comes in asking for a part for their family heirloom Singer from 1910. Whether it be sewing machine feet, belts, bobbins, foot controls, motors, we probably have them.
Call 860 647-8119 or 800 44-SEWIN or stop in.